Prof. dr. G.P. Freeman

Gerard Pieter Freeman (1952) studied theology in Utrecht specialising in the spirituality of Francis of Assisi. He worked for the Franciscaanse Samenwerking towards the building of the franciscan movement and the deepening of spirituality. Since 1992 he is also focused on Clara of Assisi and the Order of Saint Clare. He obtained a doctorate in 1997, and since 1998 he became professor by special appointment in franciscan spirituality, theology and history at the Katholieke Theologische Universiteit in Utrecht, since 2007 the School of Catholic Theology at the Tilburg University but based in Utrecht. Between 1998 and 2014 he was also director of the FSC.


 Dr. W.M. Speelman

Willem Marie Speelman (1960) studied musicology in Amsterdam and theology in Utrecht. He obtained a doctorate with a semiotic analysis of liturgical chants, in which music and text are seen interacting. He worked for the Nationale Raad voor Liturgie, researching liturgy in electronic media. For a few years he also was pastoral worker for the Student Chaplaincy. Since 2002 he is academic staff member of the Franciscaans Studiecentrum and researches the actualization of Franciscan spirituality. For the near future his main topics are the development of a spiritual method in care, and a franciscan vision on bodily presence in virtual media.
Since 2014 he is director of the FSC.


 Dr. K. Pansters

Krijn Pansters (Swalmen, 1975) is historian and theologian. He teaches franciscan spirituality and medieval history and he writes about morality and spirituality. He is chief editor of the series Middeleeuwse Monastieke Teksten (Damon). He published Franciscan Virtue: Spiritual Growth and the Virtues in Franciscan Literature and Instruction of the Thirteenth Century (Brill, 2012), De Franciscaanse Beweging. Vijftig jaar in het spoor van Franciscus en Clara van Assisi (Valkhof, 2015), and Spirituele ethiek. Franciscaanse perspectieven (Damon, 2017). He is staff member of the Franciscaans Studiecentrum and is responsible for the subarea sustainability.